• What is the role of Project Analysis and Documentation Division (PADD)?

    Project Analysis and Documentation Division handles projects which aim towards the design, development, and implementation of conformity assessment frameworks for governmental, inter-governmental, regional, and global organizations.

    The Division prides itself in driving noble initiatives that have national, regional, and global relevance. QCI through this division continues to offer solutions to various Government ministries/departments/organizations, industrial bodies, international donor agencies, developmental organizations, and inter-governmental bodies such as the FAO of the UN, UNFSS, UNCTAD, SAARC Agriculture Centre, ICRISAT, ITTO, UNDP, GLOBALG.A.P., IRRI etc.

    PADD has now been sought by regulators such as the FSSAI, DGCA, NBA and national agencies such as NGCMA, NTRO, NCIIPC, NCPCR for assisting in due diligence as a precursor to issuing of respective approvals.

    Know more: https://padd.qci.org.in/

  • What is the vision of PADD?

    Vision of PADD is to steer quality initiatives of regional, national and global relevance towards facilitation of last-mile access to quality products and services.

  • What are the objectives of the Project Analysis and Documentation Division (PADD)?

    PADD strives to achieve its mission by focusing on the following objectives:

    • Development of conformity assessment frameworks across sectors, in line with international standards and best practices
    • Provision of technical support to regulatory ecosystem and industry bodies for effective implementation of national and international initiatives
    • Awareness amongst users through large-scale training and capacity building programmes to build capacities in the areas of conformity assessment
    • Work cohesively through assimilating innovative approaches and expertise to deliver outcomes and drive quality at the cutting-edge
    • Delivering integrated solutions through leading-edge research and dissemination of its result in relevant publication, reports and trade journals
    • Multi-stakeholder led initiatives focussed on diversified business mix that includes enhancing achievement of sustainable development goals and creating positive societal impact to achieve consensus on conformity assessment solutions for better acceptance
  • How does PADD share the division’s updates?

    Experience, quality, and results.

    PADD is active on Twitter and shares updates through newsletter as well. The website of PADD gives a glimpse of the activities of the division. The same may be accessed through the following links:

  • What is the genesis of PADD?

    In the current quality sensitive milieu, various stakeholders including intergovernmental agencies, governments, consumers, business organizations entities are concerned about the quality, safety, integrity, reliability, operationality, efficiency, effectiveness and environmental stability of products and services.

    With this background, QCI has been receiving continuous request from the various Boards, Departments and Ministries of Government, International Donor Agencies such as FAO, UNFSS, UNCTAD and UNDP, Industries Associations and Developmental Organisation to assist them in either upgrading current quality infrastructure or developing systems or assisting in operationalizing their initiatives or their immediate stakeholders.

    PADD provides solution in the form of design and development of Conformity Assessment Frameworks across sectors in a manner that are aligned to international best practices and amenable to instruments such as reciprocity and benchmarking.

  • What is Conformity Assessment?

    As per the definition by ISO, the process of conformity assessment demonstrates whether a product, service, process, claim, system or person meets the relevant requirements. Such requirements are stated in standards, regulations, contracts, programmes, or other normative documents.

    Conformity assessment techniques
    Certification Testing Inspection
    Certification is the provision by an independent body of written assurance (a certificate) that the product, process, service, or system in question meets specific requirements. Certification is also known as third party conformity assessment. Testing helps determine one or more characteristics of an object or product. The process is usually performed by a laboratory. Inspection is the regular checking of a product to make sure it meets specified criteria.
  • Why is conformity assessment needed?

    Before a product can enter a market, it generally needs to be able to demonstrate to the buyer or regulator that it is safe and performs as promised in terms of efficiency, reliability, sustainability, and many other criteria.

    Conformity assessment provides the necessary proof, based on standards.

  • Why is conformity assessment framework?

    A set of policies, procedures, requirements and guidelines defined and established for conformity assessment activities.

  • How does PADD induce quality in niche sectors?

    PADD caters to the request received from various stakeholders for design and development of Conformity Assessment Frameworks for various products, processes and services, capacity building initiatives and operationalizing schemes to induce quality in varied sectors.

  • What types of documents does PADD create and maintain?

    PADD works on design and development of Conformity Assessment Frameworks (termed as ‘Schemes’) across sectors whose documents are maintained on the website of PADD.

    PADD also works on projects and equivalences involving sector-based documentation.

  • What are the key responsibilities of the PADD team?

    PADD team has defined roles and responsibilities for each project/scheme which can be viewed by the reader.

    Link to access the communication matrix of PADD: (pdf is attached)

  • How does PADD support in effective project planning and execution?

    PADD has laid down processes for projects and schemes, which are also documented on the website: https://padd.qci.org.in/general-policy/

  • How does PADD help in identifying and managing project risks?

    Design and development of Schemes involve identifying, mitigating, managing and eliminating risk through a multi-stakeholder approach.

  • How does PADD ensure project documentation is accurate and up to date?

    The documents in PADD are prepared by technical experts and approved through Multi-Stakeholder Committee. Website of PADD reflects the latest version of the approved documents.

  • How can stakeholders access and utilize the information documented by PADD?

    Yes. Stakeholders can access the website of PADD for accessing the information documented for schemes. PADD website: https://padd.qci.org.in/

  • What is the typical organizational structure of PADD?

    PADD has a flat organisation structure with defined roles and responsibilities.

  • What are the engagement areas of PADD with international bodies?

    PADD actively engages with international forums such as UNFSS, BIMSTEC, ARSO, SAARC. PADD is also the Secretariat of the India National Platform on Private Sustainability Standards (India PSS Platform) as the first national platform on Private Sustainability Standards (PSS).

    Head, PADD was nominated by the members of the National Platform and Initiative Cooperation Network (NPIC Network) to chair the network from 2020 – 2022.

    PADD signed Joint Declarations with national platforms of Mexico and Brazil.

  • Can PADD activities be applied to both small and large-scale projects?

    PADD has a mix of projects with national and international importance, therefore activities can be applied to both small and large-scale projects.

  • How can PADD help in improving project communication and collaboration?

    Through Multi-stakeholder approach driven processes involving national and international discourse, PADD helps in improving project communication and collaboration.

  • How can PADD help in improving project communication and collaboration?

    Through Multi-stakeholder approach driven processes involving national and international discourse, PADD helps in improving project communication and collaboration.

  • How does PADD contribute to project success?

    By aligning the outcomes with global value chains and seeking acceptance from the Principal on its completion, PADD contributes to the project success.

  • How can the user communicate any query or feedback to the PADD team?

    A user can communicate query to us during the periodic client interaction forum. The forum is for any person/organization to interact with PADD, QCI regarding queries and concerns. The forum convenes on every Wednesday from 11:15 am to 12:15 pm depending upon the request received via the registration forms. Link to register: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdePhFLREKy9Su5tu-JxU_DPRTf7U8RphcbPfgQyslISPoFLA/viewform?vc=0&c=0&w=1&flr=0.

    For feedback, a user can write to us at padd_schemes@qcin.org

    To know more details, please visit the website: https://padd.qci.org.in/

  • How can someone pursue a career in PADD?

    Anyone aspiring to join PADD can join as a Young Professional/ Expert/ Assessor.

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