To fill the regulatory vacuum in quality certification space for medical devices in the country, the Association of Indian Medical Device Industry (AIMED) in collaboration with the Quality Council of India (QCI) and the National Accreditation Board for Certification Bodies (NABCB) is rolling out a voluntary quality certification scheme for medical devices.

The Scheme is intended to enhance patient safety, and provide enhanced consumer protection along with much needed product credentials to manufacturers for instilling confidence among buyers. This move is also intended to significantly eliminate trading of sub-standard products or devices of doubtful origins, a widespread and injurious phenomenon in the Indian market.

Gujarat Govt. has a scheme to subsidize cost of certification for any certification scheme endorsed/approved by Quality Council of India (QCI). The details are available under their website link

It also aims to bring down the substantial time and cost-run to obtain globally accepted quality certification for Indian companies and eliminate the malpractices of sub-standard or fraudulent certification or quality audits.

Presently, the Scheme is operational through approved certification bodies (CBs) for the following levels:
ICMED 9000 certification, which is ISO 9001 plus additional requirements
ICMED 13485 certification, which is ISO 13485 plus additional requirements
ICMED 13485 Plus certification is an upgrade of the ICMED 13485 Scheme since it also takes care of product quality and product
certification in India.

Provisional Approval Of CBs

List Provisionally Approved CBs

List of Certified Clients

List of Expired CBs

Sl. No. Name of CB Date of Expiry
1 SGS India Pvt. Ltd 21 August 2023

List Of Accredited CBs


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